Wow! March 23rd is our appointment date. We were thinking at the earliest the end of March. We have 2 weeks to pack. We leave the 19th and arrive the 20th.
I have been so excited today. At times it is hard to breathe. I think of all the things we need to do. Then I realize nothing matters but getting them here. They don't care if the house is messy. They care that they have a home.
Our 4 children here are excited. We plan on taking all 4 of them with us. I did not want to leave them for .... 6 weeks?
Our home will have 7 children. 7 blessings.
Our fundraiser on Sunday was snowed out. We did have a dinner, Monday night, for the adoption. Thank you to everyone that joined us. At this point I think the yard sale is canceled. We will be running hard to get things together and ready for the trip. The list is long and our time here is short. We will have to pack for winter and summer weather.
Psalm 77:1 I cried unto God with my voice, even unto God with my voice; and He gave ear unto me.
Psalm 34:3-4 O magnify the Lord with me and let us exhalt His name together. I sought the Lord and He heard me, and delivered me from all my fears.
Thank you for praying.