Thursday, June 5, 2008

Waiting - with patience

The Ukraine has given a apointment date. It is later than we would like. We are praying they move up the date.
I've been painting - to hang up blinds, cleaning out closets, drawers and reorganizing. Much to do before their arrival. We still need to pick up beds that friends are allowing us to borrow and a ice maker. We also need to build shelves for the laundry room.
I will say I have moments of weeping. I trust God in His perfect plan. I still have a heart ache knowing that the 6 year, old we hope to adopt, will not be staying with us. The things I had ready for her seem to cause the most tears.
Honestly I had a dresser full of clothes for three 6 - 8 year old girls. Now I don't think any that age are coming. My 2 older girls have generously both offered to allow this unidentified child to sleep in their rooms. The oldest will be sharing with a 15 year old this summer. I'm hoping the 6th child will be a girl around 10. We will see.
....Patient in affliction, faithful in prayer. Rom 12:12