Good news. Progress has been made in the registration of the children we are trying to adopt. I am not sure how long the wait will be. At least a year because of Ukraine law. I am rejoycing in hearing it is moving forward.
Many of you know we are planning on hosting 6 orphans this summer at our home. The dates are June 10 - Aug 20. We are planning on hosting from the orphanage in Poltava that I visited in the fall. We are praying that all paperwork goes through on all sides. I am using a pretty new group called A Child's Light Orphan Aid based in CA. We have been working on this for quite a while now. We are waiting on paperwork from them to assure us of their validity. It will cost $2,500 per child to bring them here. I have made a list of needs and suggestions in helping that I will send out soon. Please pray God's perfect will and provision in this matter.
We know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to His purpose for them. Rom 8:28
God constantly gives us new chapters in our life. This is a very exciting chapter in my life and of every member of my family. I used to think one day life would settle down and be easy. Now I realize if your serving God there is very little time to rest. There is much work to be done. I eagerly and prayerfully await whatever He calls us to. Pray about whatever God is calling you to do. Not just about orphans. God has a different purpose for all His children. He just wants us to be willing, empty clay pots He can fill!
I must go to schoolwork.