Saturday, June 6, 2009


The two girls we are hosting, from Ukraine, for the summer are here in Alabama. They arrived late tonight. A group of 10 orphans arrived at Atl airport tonight. The others are all being hosted in Texas. We stayed with them until they were on their next flight.
The tired girls had gifts, showers and off to bed.

In our home: We are getting to our new normal. We are still doing school. We will do an hour or two most of the summer. Reality is they need to learn English.
They are staying up late and sleeping late. I enjoy my mornings by getting ready for school, gardening or cleaning house. I truly enjoy the quiet.
Anna is a good helper. She volunteers for chores. If someone is doing a chore she volunteers to help. (No the teens are not that helpful. Ok the opposite, they don't like chores.)
We have a friend translating church. She also teaches Sunday School in Russian. The children really enjoy having class in on of their native languages.
Troy loves sports. We try to keep him busy. We joined a pool and go as often as possible. We have several friends with pools. I decided to try to make Tuesdays our day to visit our friends and their pools. The kids enjoyed being at the Anderton's this week. I think I enjoyed it more having an adult friend to talk with. (Thanks Jane!!)
Haley and Anna often play in their room. They are enjoying playing together. It is fun to see them so happy to spend time together.
Behaviors we are working on are sharing, no name calling (even if it is chicken), respecting property and hitting eachother.
We bought a 9 passenger Yukon. I am thrilled to have something that will hold all of us. Driving 2 cars was one too many. On the other hand, we are in more debt than we have ever been in before, which I'm not thrilled about. My van was paid off but needed repair and did not have enough seats for all of us.
Adding the 2 orphans, we are hosting, tomorrow (today) will discuss that we are their parents for keeps and simply trying to obey God in whatever he calls us to do.